COVID 19 Update:
Following the latest government announcement, we have decided it is now safe for us to remove the restriction on numbers of attendees on our courses. You can read our Risk Assessment Method Statement here
We will continue to adhere strictly to government guidelines whilst remaining fully committed to provide an on-going service to our participants.
Our staff and trainers have been instructed to continue carrying out the following safety and prevention measures
- Regular Rapid Lateral Flow testing
- Regular hand washing
- Have hand sanitisers available for themselves and our course attendees
- Regularly wiping down of all surfaces with antibacterial spray / wipes
- Practice respiratory hygiene (use tissue to cover mouth when coughing or sneezing and disposing of it immediately. Alternatively cover mouth with bent elbow)
- Do not turn up to work if they show any Covid19 symptoms (a high temperature, new & continuous cough and loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Anti-bacterial wipes and hand sanitisers will be provided around the premises. We politely ask all our visitors to wipe down surfaces, handles etc., that you have touched as you leave particularly when using our toilets.
Please bring a face covering with you and we will indicate when these should be worn in more confined spaces.
When attending our practical courses, single use dust masks will be provided when you are proportioning out lime powders and dry mixing sand and lime (as usual).
Refreshments of tea and coffee will be served to you by a member of staff wearing mask and gloves, regularly wiping down surfaces, handles and other parts of the facility communal to all.
Traveling to our course venues
As Fife has now moved on to level 1, please plan your trip ahead of time. However, If you are coming from a Level 2/3 restriction area, you will still be allowed to travel to Fife as long as you can prove the necessity of your travel (i.e work related etc) so please plan your travel ahead of time.
We strongly advise, although this is not mandatory, that you take Rapid Lateral flow Covid test prior to attending a course. Click here to request your free test kit from NHS. Test kits will arrive 2-3 days after you place as order
Please let us know straight away and DO NOT attend your course IF:
- You have a new and continuous cough, high temperature or loss of/change in sense of smell or taste
- You are waiting on a 19 test results or have tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 7 days
- You live with someone who has either tested positive or has had symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days
- You have been notified by NHS that you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19